Geo Alps is a geophysical survey company operational since 2004 and based in the Switzerland with subsidiary offices in Ecuador (South America) and Italy. Even if the most of our projects are developed in Europe (Germany, France, Austria, Scandinavian Countries and Russia), with our historical partners (Geo expert AG, Cis Geofisica srl and Geo Tirreno srl) we often work much further afield in places like Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, India, Australia, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Australia, Middle and Far East, Canada, U.S.A., , Thailand, etc. Our experienced team provides Geophysical Contracting and Consulting services to clients in the Energy, Geotechnical, Civil Engineering, Mineral, Archaeological and Environmental sectors. We have complete equipment resources for shallow geophysical surveys and we continue to grow in response to new applications where innovation is required.


Geo Alps primary aims are to provide a high-quality ground investigation and exploration service while promoting the wider use of geophysical science for existing and previously untested applications.


Geo Alps is specialized in the following geophysical methods: microgravity, seismic refraction, seismic reflection, MASW, borehole seismic, resistivity tomography, ground radar (GPR surveys), magnetics and electromagnetics. Our works extend from regional exploration surveys down to local investigations for engineering or environmental projects.


Common targets for geophysics include bedrock profiles, water/thermal and mineral resources, geotechnical properties, archaeological structures, voids, geo-hazards, geothermal prospects, mine-workings and many others.